Welcome to another Doctor Money Matters episode. This episode is about striving for work life balance within the context of a dual physician couple. I talk with a physician couple, Drs. Nisha Mehta and Parag Butala from Charlotte, NC. They are both specialists in demanding fields (Nisha is a radiologist and Parag is a plastic surgeon).
In this episode we discuss:
- How they balance their professional goals between 2 high achievers
- What did each of them give up and how did they structure the life they want to lead
- How does their typical day go?
- The reality that you won’t be able to be the best in all aspects of your life everyday.
- Parag’s bucket strategy
- They talk about their hopes for their children
- How Nisha’s “side gig” has grown and altered her balance and how they both have to frequently reassess their lives
- General financial advice they have for other physicians

Nisha Mehta, MD
I really enjoyed talking with Nisha and Parag and this impressive couple really has a great perspective about the life they want to lead. It’s not always an easy path but financial independence is a tool to help us achieve this ultimate goal.
Nisha’s blog can be found at nishamehtamd.com
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Nisha’s Physician Side Gigs group is also on facebook and many of you are already part of it. I encourage you to join if you haven’t done so.
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Parag Butala, MD
Some other physician hosted podcasts that I recommend are:
The White Coat Investor
There are many others, so please support your physician colleagues.